The aim of our Drama Project is to shape the attitude of the teachers and pupils of the school and through them of other members of the community to become more positive towards Romani Language and the value of bilingualism. The project provides opportunity for the teachers to find out about the true power of translanguaging and to get to know better the lives of the children and their families. The project also provides parents and adults with the role of a (language) expert in the school. For the children, it makes possible to experience success and to take part in intellectual events. In addition to this, it enables them to become aware of and be able to show others their own personal values. Furthermore, it reveals for all Romani speakers of the project that Romani language is a language not only to be spoken at home, but it is also valid on formal scenes of the school.
In order to reach these general goals described above, the following are going to be accomplished throughout the 8-month-long (from March till October 2018) project: 1. We create a theatre workshop in the school mostly for 6th and 7th grade students, but it will be kept open for other or alumni students too. 2. We set up a theatre play, the lyrics of which will be written and performed by the members of the workshop; children, teachers, parents and other experts together, using epic and lyrical contents linked to Roma culture. An important feature of the prospective performance is that it presents not only Roma cultural contents but it is going to be translanguaging, namely, Romani linguistic features will be included as well. 3. Performances will be presented in the community and elsewhere too, at least on 3 occasions. 4. The ready playscript and the video of one of the performances will be published online.