
Heltai János Imre

senior lecturer, KRE BTK. Planning of the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, publications, coordination of the project. Joint planning and leadership of the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári” (with Erika Kerekesné Lévai, principal of the school)

Kerekesné Lévai Erika

Head of Primary School, Magiszter Primary School, Tiszavasvári. Joint planning and leadership of the project „Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári” (with Heltai János Imre). Giving translanguaging lessons, leading translanguaging workshops, implementing the Master Pedagogue Program of the Unitary Language Repertoire

Jani-Demetriou Bernadett

Phd student, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Doctoral School of Linguistics. Member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, publication, assisting in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, planning of the project “The linguistic factors of academic achievement and heteroglossia”

Kulcsár Sándorné

Kindergarten Principal, Magiszter Kindergarten, Tiszavasvári. Participation in the project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, planning and giving kindergarten lessons, writing feedback reports, building the elements of the programme into the kindergarten curriculum , taking part in publications.

Szaláncziné Komjáti Mónika

In the academic year 2017/2018, teacher of class 1.a using translingual teaching methods, member of the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, participation in creating and testing translanguaging teaching methods.

Alkonyi Vilmos Mór

Student of Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church, Hungarian Philology BA. Member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, conducting and transcription of interviews, assisting in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”

Czumpft Krisztina

Hungarian Philology BA, Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church. Member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, conducting and transcription of interviews, assisting in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, teaching activities at the complementary summer school

Rostás János

Educator at Magiszter Primary School in Tiszavasvári, participation in creating teaching materials, romani linguistic support, application of translingual teaching methods in the school

Lakatos Sára

Staff member of Magiszter Primary School in Tiszavasvári, participation in creating teaching materials, romani linguistic support, participation in the translingual testing of the first graders.

Cselle Gabriella

Student of Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church, Hungarian Philology BA. Member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, conducting and transcription of interviews, assisting in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, teaching activities at the complementary summer school

Demeterné Berencsi Tünde

History, French and Ethics teacher at Magiszter Primary School, member of the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, participation in creating and testing translanguaging teaching methods

Flumbort Ábel

Student of Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church, MA in Teaching Hungarian Language and culture and History Teacher, member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, conducting and transcription of interviews, assisting in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”

Szűcs Boróka

Student of Eötvös Loránd University, MA in Teaching Hungarian Language and Culture and Italian Language and Culture, member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, conducting and transcription of interviews, assisting in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”

Jani Zoltán

Psychology MA, Szeged University, computer scientist. Participation in the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári” : conducting and analyzing psychological tests, web design.

Magyar Hajnalka

Primary teacher (with Hungarian language and literature specialization) at Magiszter Primary School, member of the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, participation in creating and testing translanguaging teaching methods

Tündik Zita

Primary teacher at Magiszter Primary School, member of the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, participation in creating and testing translanguaging teaching methods

Nikolett Katalin Tóth

Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Teacher Training Program.  Assisting in the project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári (lesson observations). Teaching activities at the complementary summer school.

Olexa Gergely

Student of Karoli Gaspar University of the Reformed Church, MA in Teaching Hungarian Language and culture and History Teacher, member of the Research Group for the project “Multi-sited Ethnolinguistic Research in Tiszavasvári”, fieldwork, publication, conducting and transcription of interviews.

Buda-Kántor Gréta

Pedagogical assistent at Magiszter Primary School, member of the Project “Pedagogy of Translanguaging Communication in Tiszavasvári”, participation in creating and testing translanguaging teaching methods.

Wesselényi Tamás

Student of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, English and Hungarian teacher MA. Participation in ethnographic fieldwork and in the translanguaging education project by taking part in school and camp activities. Participation in curriculum  and learning material development.

Eva Hoyt-Nikolić

Student of Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Hungarian BA. Participation in ethnographic fieldwork and in the translanguaging education project by taking part in school and camp activities. Participation in curriculum  and learning material development.